Versionning and deprecations

Versionning process

UData follows Python PEP 440 on versionning to version its published releases.

Branches management

There is a main branch on the UData git repository, master, and some maintenance branches vX.Y

The master is the stable development branch on which:

  • bug fixes should occurs (unless is only present on a maintenance branch)
  • security upgrades are done (unless is only necessary on a maintenance branch)
  • the incoming new features (and their bug fixes)
  • the refactoring
  • the dependencies upgrades
  • translations are done
  • releases are done

The vX.Y maintenance branches host:

  • the bug fixes and security upgrades associated to theses versions only
  • the backported bug fixes and security upgrades

Every minor version has a maintenance branch vX.Y and every version has a git tag vX.Y.Z.

Otherwise the version is ( so you can easily see when you are not using a stable release.

The content of each version (expected or real) is tracked trough issues, pull requests and milestones.


UData uses Bump’R to perform its release process.

To be perform a release, you’ll need to:

  • have administrator permission on the UData repository (to allow direct push)
  • have a working development environment up to date with the master branch
  • have bumpr installed

The step to perform a release are:

  1. fetch latest changes from upstream repository
  2. ensure translations are up to date
  3. ensure CircleCI build is successful on master branch
  4. ensure your working copy is clean
  5. run bumpr -d -v to preview the actions performed and the changes
  6. run bumpr to perform the release. This will:
    • clean up remaining build artifacts
    • execute tests
    • perform a full packaging (to ensure its working)
    • perform replacements (bumped version, URLs)
    • set the changelog version and date
    • commit
    • set a git tag with the version (vX.Y.Z)
    • perform next iterationreplacements (increased dev version, URLs)
    • prepare the changelog for the next iteration
    • commit
    • push (commits and tags)
  7. check on github that everything has been pushed
  8. wait for CircleCI tagged build to succeed
  9. check on PyPI that the new release is present
  10. celebrate


We need to branch the master each time a minor version development cycle starts:

  • create a branch for the current minor version. ex: if the current master version is, create a v1.1 branch with git checkout -b v1.1
  • publish the branch to the official repository: git push -u origin vX.Y
  • get the master branch back: git checkout master
  • increment the version in udata/ ex become

Fixing an old version

Switch on the maintenance branch you need:

git checkout vX.Y

Create a new branch from the maintenance one and perform a pull request from it:

git checkout -b my-fix
# fix fix fix
git commit
git push -u myrepository my-fix

Deprecation policy

When it’s possible deprecation are signaled 2 minor versions before being really dropped. It’s up to the developpers and system administrators to read the changelog before upgrading (deprecations and breaking changes are signaled).