Testing your code

There a three complementary ways of testing your work: unit tests for the backend, unit tests for the frontend and integration tests.

Backend unit tests

The easiest way is to run Python tests with nosetest.

$ nosetests --immediate udata

You can launch a unique test too:

$ nosetests --immediate --stop --tests=udata/tests/api/test_datasets_api.py:DatasetResourceAPITest.test_reorder

If you want a fancy display, you can use the nose-mocha-reporter (not installed by default) with the dedicated option:

$ nosetests --with-mocha-reporter --immediate --stop --tests=udata/tests/api/test_datasets_api.py:DatasetResourceAPITest

Frontend unit tests

For frontend (and administration) testing, we use the following tools:

All tests are located in the specs directory and should have the following naming pattern *.specs.js to be recognized by Karma.

The most simple way to launch them is by using the dedicated invoke task:

$ inv jstest

It will run a single test pass using PhantomJS as browser.

You can run the tests continuously as changed are detected by the --watch option:

$ inv jstest --watch

For more advanced usage, you can use the npm dedicated run-scripts:

# Single run in PhantomJS
$ npm -s run test:unit
# Watch and run tests on change in PhantomJS
$ npm -s run test:watch

You can pass any option to karma after the --:

# Run tests a in new Chrome and Firefox instances
$ npm -s run test:unit -- --browsers Chrome,Firefox
# Single run with JUnit xml output
$ npm -s run test:unit -- --reporters mocha,junit


If using Chrome launcher without chrome being on the $PATH (or using Chromium), you need to specify the binary path by settings the environment variable CHROME_BIN

See the official karma documentation for more details about the possible parameters.

Testing on IE

You can run the test suite under Modern.ie VMs installed with either ievms or iectrl (installation is detailed on websites).

# Install IE11 under Win7 (time to have one or more coffee!)
$ iectrl install 11
# Run tests under IE11
$ npm -s run test:unit -- --browsers 'IE11 - Win7'


uData tests ensure the compatibility with IE version(s) officially supported by Microsoft. Right now, it’s IE11.

You maybe need to manually close the first time popup on first run. To do so, launch the VM then launch the test suite:

$ iectrl start 11
$ npm -s run test:unit -- --browsers 'IE11 - Win7'
# You can close it after
$ iectrl close 11

Integration tests

We use Watai which is using webdriver API on top of Selenium.

First, install and launch Selenium:

$ selenium-server -p 4444

Then install watai and now you can run integration tests:

$ watai specs/integration/  --config '{"email":"name@example.org","password":"yourpassword","username":"yourusername"}'

You can easily exclude some tests if you want to run a particular range of test(s), here to run only test 4:

$ watai specs/integration/  --config '{"ignore":[1,2,3,5,6,7], "email":"name@example.org","password":"yourpassword","username":"yourusername"}'

Check out the Watai tutorial to add your own tests!